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Would you like to work for yourself?


Active Member
Definitely! I read somewhere a while ago that something like 70% of young people who are in an apprenticeship, tend to want to run their own business one day.

It obviously isn't easy, but I'm always looking at new business ideas :)

Have you considered it?


Definitely! I read somewhere a while ago that something like 70% of young people who are in an apprenticeship, tend to want to run their own business one day.

It obviously isn't easy, but I'm always looking at new business ideas :)

Have you considered it?
I haven't considered it, but it's definitely something I could do. I'd just need investment.


Active Member
Blimey! So you've got a fair few then! I've got my own personal blog, but I'll be honest I haven't done anything with it so it's on WordPress default theme still I think.

Will have to dig it out sometime soon :)


Blimey! So you've got a fair few then! I've got my own personal blog, but I'll be honest I haven't done anything with it so it's on WordPress default theme still I think.

Will have to dig it out sometime soon :)
Yeah I have, although I think I may be merging LevelUnlocked and GeeksHut as running LU is too much work for me, a friend of mine runs GH and I help him out, but it makes sense to join forces.


Active Member
Yeah I have, although I think I may be merging LevelUnlocked and GeeksHut as running LU is too much work for me, a friend of mine runs GH and I help him out, but it makes sense to join forces.
Sounds exciting! For some reason your blog isn't loading for me...


Ah, yes. My host (also a friend of mine) is having some issues with his PC. It will be fixed and back online next week. I don't hassle him too much about waiting times as he offers me hosting and technical support for free.


Ah I see! Let us know when it's back up :)
Will do, thanks :) I've decided to take time off from as it eats up too much time, so postponing it for the foreseeable future. I need to put my focus into work.


New Member
Being good at a job and being good at running a business are vastly different things.

What is your job and industry, and how hard is it to get clients? How are you going to advertise? How much money have you saved up for this venture?

Do you have the option of starting this business while employed on a smaller scale to get a feel for it and make mistakes on a smaller scale while having guaranteed income?

Looking to leave your job is often not the right reason to start a business.

My advice as a business owner would be to start small, come up with your business plan and strategies prior to quitting, ask to move down in hours or spend all your free time working. If it seems feasible you have a starting point. If it's a failure you haven't wasted a year and tens of thousand in opportunity cost to be more miserable than you were.


New Member
Thank you for the information. It's great that I registered on this forum. There are so many people here who are willing to help and answer my questions. This is very important to me.