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New Member
Hi everyone/anyone who cares enough to read this.

So to basically give a little background as to why I'm here, I was unhappy at sixth form for various reasons which I don't feel comfortable discussing here.

At the start of 2015 I began applying for apprenticeships as a way to make myself happy and to progress to where I want to be and after two difficult months I got one.

Sadly my placement is becoming very much like school was, it's very negative and all 4 members of staff are particularly unfriendly and have no regard for me or the other apparentice I work with or seem to have any interest in giving us any kind of job satisfaction or progression.

That's not to complain fully, I don't mind the work I do. Admittedly it's not what I want to do forever (currently work developing apps, would like to work in marketing) but even for the foreseeable it's becoming a bit of a nightmare.

I don't want to just up and change placement (I'm not even sure how to go about that) as I feel like people would regard it as a cop out and that it would anger people, however I feel no loyalty to the company I work for as they seem to have no interest in me or how I want to shape a career.

That's not to say I don't work or anything like that. I do whatever task is put in front of me, and I understand that things will be done again and repeated, but it's the exact same day in day out, and I feel as if I have little to no career progression.

The only part I enjoy is interacting with customers which is a big part of why I would love to work in the marketing and sales sector.

And just as a side note, it's not because the development work is too hard, it really isn't, as I said it's all about progression, fulfilment, and then working with employees who respect each other and actually get on.

Any advice is appreciated and thanks for reading, that turned into more of an essay than I imagined!
Dino Georgiou

Dino Georgiou

New Member
Im sorry to read this, and im even more sorry nobody responded to your message. I hope things got better since you posted this. Sadly there are alot of employers who do not treat their apprentices with enough respect - but on the flip side, there are lots of brilliant employers who do help their apprentices to enjoy a fulfilling experience.

A few options would be:

1. Stick it out for the remainder of the apprenticeship and get hold of that qualification, you can then leave with a qual and then find another, better employer to progress onto a higher level.
2. Speak to your training provider - and other Local Colleges - about your situation and see if there is another apprenticeship vacancy you can transfer to.